Register to log Maintenance – Staff Residential Lettings

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This form should only be used by applicants who are paid staff or who will be joining the University as paid staff in the near future. Students should contact the Accommodation Office for further information.

From this application, we can offer the following services:

  • University managed rented housing for University of Bristol staff
  • Private sector housing advice
  • Short-stay accommodation for visiting members of staff

You are not able to request a specific property, when you apply you will be offered any vacancies we have within your chosen property type. Each year we have many more applications than properties available and priority will be given to staff moving to Bristol from overseas.

If we do not have any suitable accommodation available, we will send you some helpful information to help you find accommodation in the private sector. We are happy to answer any questions that you might have about rentals and the local area. Please contact us via
